The following original artwork design was created for and with the Underwriter Agency of Australia (UAA) through a workshop hosted by the Yamuloong Centre. Decals of the original artwork are then licensed to be installed through their Head Office in Hunter St Newcastle and for their global office in Honeysuckle. UAA also licensed an existing artwork to feature on their uniforms globally.
Artwork Story
Koreyl shares the Underwriter Agency of Australia’s story and their focus on developing long term relationships built on mutual respect and reliability. The design is reflective of the UAA community across Australia, bringing an acknowledgement of Indigenous people across their footprint on country and welcoming all to celebrate our unique and invaluable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.
Central to the design a large gathering circle represents the UAA family inclusive of people on the UAA team, clients, partners, community, and industry.
The four linked people symbols at its very centre depicts UAA services around industry and heavy machinery operations. These four people symbols also highlight working together around shared vision across underwriters, claims, brokers, and assessors, while the outer all-embracing circle of the gathering circle depicts support, security, safety, and protection, together with the two symbols for shields shown on either side of the central artwork.
Imagery reflective of country flows from a gap in the bottom of the gathering circle connecting with symbolism for country that flows across the base of the artwork. This depicts the earth moving industries supported by UAA and along with a symbol for bush tucker, representing seed planted within the earth, highlights regenerations projects carried out by clients. The value of regeneration is continued in the design through bush tuck symbolism that continues up the left side of the UAA gathering circle.
People symbols rise up the left side of the canvas enlarging in size as they progress to connect with people flowing out of the top of the UAA gathering circles. This highlights community projects that support potential in Indigenous kids and their journey forward where they are nurtured, mentored, and celebrated. An Elders' symbol connected to the imagery of youth programs, represents respect and youth learning, as Elders would pass down knowledge traditionally. Water symbolism interwoven within the design represent UAA across Australia and the connection to overseas operation, while the three waterholes, made up of 3 interlinked people symbols also reflect tribal groups and brings acknowledgement to Indigenous groups nationally.
Medium: Mixed Medium
Size: 1520 x 1000 mm, framed in solid Cedar
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