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2 hours ago
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Ray-Ban Wayfarer design on AFL umpire uniforms
It was a real honor to be selected to have my design which won the Ray-Ban OneSight competition i...
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Ray-Ban's Iconic Wayfarers Go Indigenous - MENSTYLEPOWER
Not-for-profit organisation – OneSight, in collaboration with Ray- Ban are thrilled to launch the...
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OneSight Indigenous Ray-Ban Wayfarer Launch
On Thursday 9th October, it was my great pleasure to be invited to the launch of the Ray-Ba...
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Samantha Harris's new Ray-Bans
They look good and come with a feelgood factor too – say hello to the new Ray-Ban Indigen...
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OneSight Ray-Ban Indigenous Special Edition Wayfarer competition winner
Sydney, 11 April 2014: Not-for-profit organisation OneSight has announced the winner today of t...
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